
“I think the age of when models needed to be a blank canvas has come and gone. More brands these days seek out characters who are unique and genuinely themselves to the core.”

Welcome to the ‘The Model Journal’. A platform that reveals what is going on behind the faces at BEC Models. From side hustles and campaigns, to industry knowledge and advice, find out what the day to day life of a model is really like.

This month we speak to OCEAN. This girl is on absolute fire lately, after starting her career with a few extra roles in music videos she is now working with brands such as Samsung, Palladium, Boohoo, Benefit, Nike and ITV to name a few!

Oceans dedication, committed and determination has not only led to some amazing projects, but she has also been able to navigate a very turbulent industry and worked it to her advantage by having a great mindset. In this interview Ocean tells us how she began her journey as a model, tips for those entering the industry and how she compartmentalises work and private life. Enjoy!!

 Hi Ocean, How are you today and how’s life going lately?

I’m really good! Currently on a plane to Barcelona for a job which is exciting, life has been good and i’m really excited for everything that’s coming up.

Please tell us about your modelling journey? How did you get into modelling and acting and has it always been a passion for you?

I started from doing music videos booked through an extras agency and then I got signed with a commercial agency a year later. During that year I took up acting classes so I can feel more comfortable during castings and it really solidified my love for acting. While I was in university I always wanted to work in TV and film, writing was my passion and as I got older it changed into acting.

 Describe your perfect day!

 I’m very comfortable with my own company so my perfect day would be largely spent on my own. Coffee in the morning before I head off to a HIIT class or to play on my aerial hoop.Then I’d get ready to go for a nice wander for a spot of lunch somewhere then head to the climbing centre. Do a little shopping for unnecessary skincare then maybe meet a friend for dinner.

You always seem to be very positive and look at life in a fun, energetic way, is this true on and off social media, and how do you keep your mind healthy?

My positivity probably stems from my cynicism, I always expect the worst and I’m usually delightfully surprised! It’s a lot easier to be happy when you don’t have expectations of things you can’t control. 

A couple of my strengths is probably my discipline & being able to compartmentalise well, social media for me is a work tool. I use it as an online portfolio more than anything. This might comes as a surprise to you but I’m actually a pretty private person, they see my everyday and really they just see my life when I’m at work and doing the occasional hobbies I do. When I’m hanging out with my friends and family I try and be as present as possible with them and stay off social media. I’ll probably upload stuff at the end of the day but it would be when I’ve left them and I’m home. When I have days off from work, I’ll have those days off posting too. It’s important to be able to switch off and really separate yourself from platforms that can be wildly addictive.

Is there anything that you feel you’ve had to sacrifice to be where you are today? What has it taken to be successful? What are the biggest challenges you have faced? to be successful? 

 I definitely sacrificed my personal life to be where I am today. I’m very grateful for the kind of friends I have that have been so understanding when I’ve bailed on them 90% of the time because I’ve had to work or had an audition. I once had a 10 day holiday planned with a friend and I ended up having to work 6 days of it then flew out the moment I finished filming.

One of the biggest challenges I had was probably from when I first started and not knowing where to begin because I never had any formal training at the time and no friends who were in the industry but I quickly learnt you just gotta keep saying yes to opportunities until you can say no.

And to be successful? 

Maybe I’ll let you know when I get there.


“It’s a lot easier to be happy when you don’t have expectations of things you can’t control. ”

What is your moto in life?

 Say yes then figure it out later.

 What are 4 key things you need to have or do as a model?

  • Health is wealth- look after your tools - eat well, exercise and sleep!

  • Stay focused on your goals, the internet is a distraction

  • A good relationship with your agent

  • Good work ethic

 Do you have any dreams and ambitions you’d like to accomplish, or are you taking every day as it comes right now?

Right now I’m trying to save for a home. I think it would be the biggest gift I could give to myself. I know there’s no greater accomplishment than the independence of owning your home.


“Being on set is the easiest part of the job, everything before it is what will define the kind of  model / actor you will be.”

Can you give the up and coming talent out there your best tips for getting into the industry and also managing the industry once you are in!

The industry can be turbulent and trends come and go. When they say be yourself, it means do what is unique to you. I think the age of when models needed to be a blank canvas has come and gone. More brands these days seek out characters who are unique and genuinely themselves to the core.

Being on set is the easiest part of the job, everything before it is what will define the kind of  model / actor you will be. Do something daily that contributes to your end goal - whether its doing improv classes, taking up a new sport or hobby you can add to your spotlight (or an equivalent) and do not be afraid to try new things with your look.


What exciting projects have you got coming up in life (modelling and other) and what are you most looking forward to for 2021

At the moment I’ve just finished a couple of commercials that are due to come out this summer. I’m honestly unable to plan too far ahead because of work but I definitely cannot wait to travel for leisure again. I hope I can summer somewhere there’s a beach and a good surf in though!

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