International Women’s Day: An interview with 7 powerful women

Creative and Photography: Southworks Creatives | Models and Producer: Bec Agency

Feminism isn't about making women strong. Its about changing the way the world see's that strength

- G D Anderson

International Women’s day mission is to help forge a gender equal world. As a female owned business this mission has also been at the core of my business and personal values. Having experienced gender inequality at previous a workplace, I know first hand the struggle it can be to be supported towards your goals. So shining a spotlight on other women is a personal passion of mine, in the hope that when my daughter grows up, there will be no need for such a day.

At BEC agency we strive to celebrate women’s achievements, provide a platform to help them gain a presence, communicate their passions and listen to their voice.

last month I worked with the brilliant Southworks Creative to create some amazing assets for an International Women’s Day inspired shoot. We worked with some incredible women from BEC agency and had the BEST day doing it. Im so proud to be working along side these women and the results shone for themselves.

After the shoot I took the opportunity to interview these women to find out their perspective on IWD, their greatest achievements, influences and the importance of diversity. I felt very inspired afterwards


Model, stylist and personal development coach

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

I feel that it is important to celebrate International woman’s day because it is so wonderful to be able to acknowledge and celebrate our differences as women.  Although we may be different, our womanhood unites us and I think that that is so beautiful!

Do you think of yourself as a powerful woman?

Yes I most definitely do consider myself to be a Powerful woman!

I believe that all woman possess the ability to be powerful and believe that it all starts in the mind. The mind is a very powerful tool.

In my role as a Personal Stylist I empower the women that I work with to begin to see themselves the way that they want to be seen.  I hold the space for them to be able to imagine.  When you begin to reframe negative thoughts, you begin to realise just how powerful you really are.  Possibilities become limitless!

It really is, “All about the mindset!”

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

The most important advice I would say that I have been given was by my mother and it was, “to treat others as you would want to be treated!”

To me this is so important because love flows!  Being kind costs you nothing and it has the ability to really change ones heart.

Which powerful woman do you admire the most?

The most powerful woman that I admire was my late mother.  She didn’t have much, yet her legacy continues to live on.  She came to this country with nothing, yet touched so so many.  She could liaise with all women young or old, and always had the ability to make them feel valued.

Why do you think diversity in the workplace is so important?

Diversity in the workplace is so important, because I believe that it levels the playing field and provides everyone with the same opportunities to strive and achieve their goals, irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or ability.  Having diversity within the workplace is also a reflection of the demographic attributes of our society.

The action or decision you're most proud of?

I am always proud of the opportunities that I get given, where I can represent normal, everyday black women and help to normalise seeing us as much as any other race in roles, whether in the workplace, through media, tv, advertising  etc.


Model & Nutritionist

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

To celebrate the achievements and unity of women, and push for gender equality

Do you think of yourself as a powerful woman?

Yes. I have learned to be comfortable in my own skin, especially as I got older.

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

Your comfort zone only expands if you step out of it

Which powerful woman do you admire the most?

Arianna Huffington

Why do you think diversity in the workplace is so important?

Diversity collates different experiences and perspectives, this encourages us to build trust, respect and understanding across different cultures.

The action or decision you're most proud of?

Leaving my comfort zone and moving overseas independently.



Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

I think it's important to celebrate how far we have come, in terms of the cultural and social change, but also to recognise that there is still a long way to go, until we achieve fully gender equality - in terms of treatment of women in the workplace, gender pay gaps and bias.

Do you think of yourself as a powerful woman?

I like to yes, but I find that I have to remind myself often that I am a powerful woman. My therapist once told me that if I ever doubt my strength and power, I should find a picture of myself that shows the adversity and hardships I've overcome, and use it as a reminder to myself that I can overcome far worse!

In my opinion, a powerful woman is one who can recognise that there is untapped strength within her, but also her ability to inspire and empower others.

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

To never be 'less feminine to be taken seriously at work',  'speak softly' or 'be the girl that boy wants' - I have learnt that one of the worst things we can do, for self growth, is to try and imposter an unhealthy and outdated belief that we, as women, should all fit into one stereotype - we just don't! We're all made from different, unique and beautiful moulds! We should fully embrace how we are - our ultra girly side, who loves to wear bright pink, or our sporty side, who loves football!

Which powerful woman do you admire the most?

My mum. She had a tremendous amount of mental resilience, and her optimism was so powerful in every situation - for me, this made her a superhero. Although we didn't agree on everything (who does?!), her 'can-do' attitude helped me get through some of the toughest times.

Why do you think diversity in the workplace is so important?

Diversity in the workplace means an accurate representation of the world - it's like going into Pizza Hut and having only one pizza on the menu, it doesn't make sense! On a more serious note, diverse workplaces encourage a wider range of ideas, and diverse teams have proven to work more effectively! It's a win-win for industries! It does require breaking down systemic sexism that exists in the work place, and this is where ally's come in!

The action or decision you're most proud of?

The decision I took to follow my childhood dream of getting into modelling, and the action I took towards it - getting myself out there and booking my first ever portfolio shoot. I wanted to make my 8 year old self proud!


Model and Grief & Loss coach

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

We don't live in a gender equal world and I feel that IWD serves to remind us of the biases and inequality that still exists and to reflect on how much more needs to be done/what can be done to further progress and change women's rights.

Equally, it is also an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate achievements and contributions women have made to society through the ages and presently.

Do you think of yourself as a powerful woman?

I've never really thought about this! I would say though that I am quite resilient - emotionally and mentally strong. And impactful in my own quiet way.

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?
Treat others as you would wish to be treated.

Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
Living: Oprah Winfrey, The Queen, are a couple of examples.

Why do you think diversity in the workplace is so important?

If everyone, regardless of their age, gender identity, physicality, skill level or status, cultural background, colour etc - feels equally valued, it must surely make for a more positive, harmonious and thriving environment.

The action or decision you're most proud of?

The decision to move to London and build a new life following a traumatic period in my life, in my mid twenties.


Model &

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

It's important to celebrate international women's day to highlight and reflect upon the achievements, determination and in many cases the courage of women to make changes. It keeps global solidarity for the empowerment of women and need for gender equality alive.

Do you think of yourself as a powerful woman?

To be honest I don't really like the word 'Powerful', I find synonymous words such as 'ruthless' spring to mind.

I guess as a women born at the beginning of the 60s I can act on my own authority far more than my mother's generation and those before, so that gives me freedom and strength of being.

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

'Be your own person'

I wear a ring on my finger a band of small silver fishes nose to tail swimming in a circle except one ,which is gold and swimming in the opposite direction. It's a good reminder.

Which powerful woman do you admire the most?

Maryam Namazie an Iranian writer and activist living in the UK.

I first encountered her work around 2010 when she organised an art competition which I entered titled One Law For All, inviting artists to submit work in support of her campaign against Sharia Law.

Why do you think diversity in the workplace is so important?

Diversity in the work place offers enrichment,  plus all individuals should have the same opportunities and voice.

Everyone ultimately benefits as a result.

The action or decision you're most proud of?

I cant think of an action or decision Im most proud of because it's my nature to analyse rather than praise myself.


Actor, Dancer, Model

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

There have been so many women throughout history who haven’t had the recognition they deserve. Celebrating the women of the past and the present and raising awareness of inequality unites us and encourages us to be proud of who we are. When we reclaim our power and educate each other, it spreads positivity and shapes a brighter future for the next generation.

Do you think of yourself as a powerful?

I am in control of my own life and creating my future and that makes me feel powerful.

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

Always read your contracts

Which powerful woman do you admire the most?

My mum!

Why do you think diversity in the workplace?

With diversity there is an openness where creativity can flow. It is important not to get stuck in only one way of thinking because peoples thoughts become rigid and this can cause bigger problems down the line. I believe with a diverse workplace we can together thrive as we learn and grow together.

The action or decision you're most proud of?

I’m most proud of myself for breaking out of my conditioning and unleashing my true self.


Model & Actor

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?
Because we have been brought up in a system that undermines the place of women in society and it is important that we recognize our value so that we can change the system.

Do you think of yourself as a powerful woman?

Yes, definitely. Every woman should because we are amazing!

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?
To always go after what you want. Regret is worse than failure.

Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
My mother and Dr. Maya Angelou.

Why do you think diversity in the workplace is so important?

Because it is finally time for people to be hired based on their talents and strengths. (and also be paid equally!
The action or decision you're most proud of?

I moved across the globe twice, by myself, to pursue my dreams.

